Friday, November 19, 2010

Countdown to Thanksgiving

#7 - Today I have guest bloggers. I asked the boys what they were thankful for a few days ago, and then again this morning.

Luke: God and Jesus. At 2, I'm pretty sure he doesn't quite understand what he's saying, but he knows we pray and he hears Seth and I talk when he comes home from school, so it's a wonderful start to helping him learn.

Seth: My dog (his favorite stuffed animal in all the world), our Baby [Max], and Daddy. Also, that I learn Bible stories at church and school.

Max: My blue fuzzy blanket, my warm sleep sacks, and my yummy thumb. And that Mommy and Daddy protect me from my crazy brothers. Okay, of course he couldn't really respond, but I'm just sure that's what he would say.

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