Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Countdown to Thanksgiving...

#9 - I am thankful for the generosity of my husband. You see, today he is spoiling me. Today someone else is cleaning my house. I know many of you (okay, the two of you who read this) are saying to yourselves, 'HUH? She's home all day long and someone else is coming to clean her house? Insanity!' But I like to liken Lukey (say that 3 times fast) to a hurricane. The child can blow into a room and destroy things faster than I can clean them up. As such, I could not even tell you that last time my ENTIRE house was clean all at once. We are hosting Thanksgiving here again this year so my job is to keep it under control for the next week.

This has also given me a great opportunity to focus on decluttering rather than daily cleaning (sorry cleaning person, it's gotten pretty bad around here -not that she's reading my blog). I made a big list of everything that really needed tidied/decluttered and then I put all of those items on a calendar so I knew I could get it all done. I came close. However, my to do list tends to get preempted by everyone else's list - you know, hang Christmas lights while it's not freezing crazy cold outside and before it begins raining so you can bundle the kids up and take them outside in the rain in the dark and show them the lights turned on and then reassure your new neighbor that he did not move in next door to the Griswold's and you are heading inside to unplug the lights until the day after Thanksgiving. Oops, I digress. Anyway, the house is very tidy and I can't wait to come home to clean! So very thankful for the generosity of my husband today!

1 comment:

Jill said...

oooh! Points for Dave!!

Now I've got some cleaning, decluttering to do myself!!