#8 - Today I am thankful for Luke. Well, technically, I'm thankful for Luke everyday. But today Luke is 2 years and 9 months old. Two years ago today Luke cut his lip open and had to have stitches. That day definitely ranks among my top 3 scariest (post-delivery) mom stories. I only remember the day because he was exactly 9 months, to the day, when it happened. He had to be sedated in the ER so they could stitch his lip and we weren't supposed to touch him when he woke up, etc. It was crummy. But that was then...
Luke is a force of nature. My prayer for him is often that his personality will outshine his food allergy. That he won't be the kid in school that teachers groan over having to have in their class because of his allergies, but that rather they will be excited to have so much enthusiasm all rolled up into one person. And he does exude enthusiasm!
He loves to play with all of the Cars movie cars and reenact movie scenes, complete with dialogue. "Fly away Stanley, be freeeeee."
He still sleeps in a crib, although we've purchased the sheets and comforter for his bigger bed. I wanted to keep him in the crib as long as possible so he was "contained." However, he figured out how to escape a few months ago so there's really no point anymore. Besides, he sleeps with two blankets (fire trucks and numbers), Rescue the dog, Pat the hammer, Rusty the wrench(?), pretty Lightning, Buzz, sometimes Woody, Cupcake the dog, and whatever else he picks up on his way to bed. It's getting a little crowded. But, he's taking steps of his own to make some room in his bed, by shedding his clothes. He has decided that he doesn't want to wear his shirt to sleep. "My bwanket will keep me warm." This is hard for a mommy who sleeps in fleece pajamas and socks to put her sweet little boy in bed in shorts and nothing else!
He loves to play with all of the Cars movie cars and reenact movie scenes, complete with dialogue. "Fly away Stanley, be freeeeee."
He still sleeps in a crib, although we've purchased the sheets and comforter for his bigger bed. I wanted to keep him in the crib as long as possible so he was "contained." However, he figured out how to escape a few months ago so there's really no point anymore. Besides, he sleeps with two blankets (fire trucks and numbers), Rescue the dog, Pat the hammer, Rusty the wrench(?), pretty Lightning, Buzz, sometimes Woody, Cupcake the dog, and whatever else he picks up on his way to bed. It's getting a little crowded. But, he's taking steps of his own to make some room in his bed, by shedding his clothes. He has decided that he doesn't want to wear his shirt to sleep. "My bwanket will keep me warm." This is hard for a mommy who sleeps in fleece pajamas and socks to put her sweet little boy in bed in shorts and nothing else!
Luke is as loving and cuddly as he is rambunctious. He loves to be held and to cuddle on the couch or watch a movie in our bed. He loves his Baby Max. He loves to go with me to get Max up in the mornings. But he always says, as he peers over the side of Max's crib, "I can pet him." Ummm, he's not a puppy - how about if we just love on him?
And finally, I love Luke's independence. Oh, it drives me crazy, no doubt! The massive meltdown, throw-yourself-in-the-floor-pounding-your-fists-and-screaming-at-the-top-of-your-lungs, when he doesn't get to put his own straw in his cup or put his own toothbrush back in the holder makes me want to scream. And maybe sometimes I do, but I love that he wants to do his own thing and be his own person. "I do it myself" is a phrase I hear often.
So, there you have it - just a few of the reasons that I am so thankful for my little Lukey!
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