For Seth's big day Dave took him on a special adventure. Seth adores fire trucks. Most times when we leave the house, he asks which fire stations we will be driving by while we are out. So, Dave took him to see some fire trucks up close and personal. Apparently, the trucks were a bit larger than Seth realized and it took awhile for him to warm up to the experience. But, he definitely looks happy here!
After the fire truck adventure, all four of us went out for pizza and then home for naps (all four of us -yeah!). For dinner we had McDonald's (Seth's favorite) with Grammy and Grampy and then we had homemade oreo ice cream and strawberry cupcakes with strawberry icing - his choice, not mine.
I think Seth had a great day. And I love celebrating my boys and making such fun memories!
Now, for Seth's current stats, favorites, etc....
Seth recently had his 4 year check-up. He weighs 37 pounds, which puts him in the 50-75th percentile for weight. And he is 42 inches tall, which puts him in the 75-95th percentile for height. A lot of people comment on how tall he is. I just notice, jealously, how thin he is! But he is a very picky eater. If it's a vegetable, he has predetermined that he doesn't like it. His decision not to like something before he even tries it makes me crazy! But generally there are no special-order meals at our house so if he's hungry enough, he'll have what we're having! His favorite foods are anything chicken - from grilled chicken to nuggets, etc., steak, and pork chops. He loves pancakes, but must confirm that there was butter and he can't see it because it has melted (not because I slighted him in this area). And strawberries are very popular; as is applesauce. He would eat sunbutter (made from sunflower seeds, although he refuses to listen to me and insists it's peanut butter) and jelly every day for lunch if I would let him. He has also warmed up to grilled cheese and tomato soup so we throw that in sometimes too.
Seth is a bit stubborn. Not sure where he gets that. Well, maybe he's a bit like me in that respect. Which is likely why we butt heads so much. I need to try to appreciate this quality a little more and handle it much better.
Unlike me, however, he is quirky! [Go ahead, hit the comment button.] His room must be free of clutter before he can sleep. And the two pillow shams must be facing the same direction and lined up on the floor. Oddly quirky. He never leaves his room after a nap or a night's sleep without asking permission (we didn't ask him to do this, he just does it). But he will open his door at naptime to throw out random things that don't belong.
He's a pretty good sleeper really, unless he needs one of his stuffed animals covered back up and can't find the blanket, or he needs a drink. Five of the animals get to sleep near his pillow/cuddled up with him. About 20 more sleep at the foot of his bed. The five special animals are four dogs and a koala bear - Beckley, Brutus, Brownie, Little Puppy and Koala. He went through a phase where he would pray, at lunch and dinner, that Beckley would sleep and not keep him awake barking.
Seth's favorite toys right now are all of his Cars movie cars. Between birthday and Christmas gifts, and combining his and Luke's, there are nearly 30 of them. He can recite parts of the movie while he plays with the cars. I love to hear him playing on his own and being so imaginative. I do not love that he isn't so great at sharing with his brother. He always wants to give Luke some other toy to play with and take whatever Luke has. I have started reminding Seth that if the other toy is so great (Seth is either a great salesman like his dad or a so-so negotiator like his mom) then he should keep the toy and play with it himself!
Seth has only recently decided that it's a good idea to exert some independence and dress himself. And even that was with some prodding. But he's improving. He just lacks focus and I eventually have to suggest he sit down and stop talking long enough to get ready!
He also has a very cute desire to help us. He wants to do things like load or unload the dishwasher and sweep the floor, etc. I think Dave and I both try to find things he can do safely to encourage this helpful spirit. Unfortunately, getting him to clean up his own toys can be very frustrating. Sometimes he even likes to help with Luke - getting his drink out of the fridge or trying to help him cover up at naptime.
And finally, the poor boy seems to have my sense of smell. He'll get up from a nap (or rest time) and ask, "Did you make coffee?" Or, "are we having chicken for dinner?" Quirky, I tell you!
Overall, he's such a sweet little guy, so enthusiastic about the things he loves. I hope I can nurture that enthusiasm in the way he deserves! It's been a fun first four years. I cannot wait to see what the future holds!
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