Monday, August 4, 2008


First, and thankfully, Seth seems to be just fine now and cannot get enough to eat. One morning last week he asked for Cheerios for breakfast. I gave him some and left the box on the counter. I was in the other room and suddenly thought that he was oddly quiet in the kitchen alone. I came in and found that he had pulled the box of Cheerios off the counter and was helping himself. All I could do was laugh.

And second, all the professionals lecture that babies should sleep only on their backs. This has always been fine with me as neither of my boys ever really cared to sleep on their tummies. I guess I just never let them so they didn't know any different as little babies. Seth loves to sleep on his tummy now and I think stomach sleeping is absolutely the best way to sleep! But Luke had yet to discover this phenomen. He will roll from back to front and just scream once he gets there. My mom informed me if I kept rolling him back over he would never learn to roll from front to back (I know it's true). Then she listened to him scream and suggested I turn him back over! Well, today I was getting Seth in bed for his nap and I had left Luke on the floor. I could hear him screaming away, clearly he had rolled to his belly, and then the screaming stopped. I went to check on him and this is what I found - a very content little baby sleeping away on his tummy! I did dutifully take him to bed and put him on his back, but maybe we've turned a corner?


Jill said...

Very sweet post, Cara. I love that picture of Luke finding how lovely it is to sleep on his tummy.

Lynette said...

Too cute! Seth looks like he is totally 'in' to his secret snack! Also, in regards to rolling over/screaming, etc. we had the same 'problem' only in reverse! : ) I tiptoed around all afternoon (yesterday) while Nate was in his pack and play hoping we, too, had finally turned a corner!