Monday, June 30, 2008


You may have noticed fewer pictures of Seth. Dear Seth has entered a new phase of life. It's a very difficult phase for me. You see, I have been shopping for a much fancier camera with many more bells and whistles. However, one of my two favorite subjects to photograph has decided it is good fun to shriek, "Don't take my picture!!" [This coincides with a turn of the head or a ridiculously pouty face, neither of which makes for a cute photo!] I'm hoping this phase will pass quickly! Can you see the look of defiance in this photo? Or am I imagining it?
Okay, this one he wasn't really taking cover from the camera. He actually should've gotten in a lot of trouble for wrapping himself up in my curtains, but sometimes I am forced to laugh rather than cry!
This is just one of my favorite recent photos. I prepared his plate and put it on the table to cool a bit while we got our plates ready. I turned around and found him, in my chair, using my fork, to help himself to some sour cream off his plate!

And finally, today we went to the museum. Our niece, Ashley, is spending a few days with us. She is 15. It is nice to have another set of hands for outings like this!

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