Monday, April 21, 2008

Our week in review...

Tuesday the 15th (tax day) was Gretchen's birthday. We all gathered at mom and dad's for Aunt G's specially requested meal of fried chicken, real mashed potatoes and corn. Delaney, knowing that Gretch loves the Disney princesses (or is that Delaney?), made sure that Grammy got a Disney princess ice cream cake. While the cake is beautiful, the look of excitement on Carson's face is even better to look at. So, happy birthday to Aunt G! It was a milestone birthday and she handled it like a pro. But then, she did have the princesses to help her through!

Wednesday the 16th,I took the plunge and got my hair chopped off, at my husband's urging. I don't understand him. Most men are all about the long hair, but Dave kept telling me to cut it off so I did. No more ponytails but about half the time to blow it dry in the mornings so it's an okay trade off.

Thursday the 17th, Carson came to play with us while Delaney went to dance class. Luke is very popular, not just with his big brother but with his cousins too. Carson was helping him with his pacifier. Too sweet!

Friday the 18th, Luke was 2 months old. His babbling, cooing, smiling is really picking up here lately and he's content for longer periods of time in his bouncy seat or his swing. I am also working on getting him to take a consistent afternoon nap in his bed while Seth naps. I'm not very good at listening to him cry (although I do appreciate the payoff when everyone is sleeping!), plus it wakes Seth if Luke just screams nonstop, so it's a bit of a slow process.

Saturday the 19th, my mom and I went for a Ladies Day out (although it was more like a couple of hours) to a charity/fundraising shopping event. Luke went with us but it was nice to get out and see some good friends and introduce Luke to some of them for the first time. The organization doing the fundraising was

Sunday the 20th, my wonderful sister got her birthday present from me - a pedicure, with me. Yeah! For those of you who know me, it's tough to believe I'm posting my feet for all the world to see but I think a pedicure might be one of life's greatest pamperings - the massaging chair, the warm water, someone besides me painting my toenails. It's just a nice, brief escape from reality! Thank you for putting this on your birthday list Gretchen! As a little sidenote, I actually painted my own toenails the day before Luke was born. NOT an easy task. I had hoped to lay on the guilt and beg my hubby to do it, but Seth chose not to sleep and Dave ended up spending the better part of the evening trying to comfort him.

Finally, today, the 21st, the three of us went to Meijer together. It was honestly not as bad as I had expected (the first time I typed this left out the word "not" - do you think that means anything?). We have a lovely tool that we use to negotiate with Seth. Not too far from our house there are two horses. Seth LOVES these horses. So, usually if he behaves we will drive by the horses. We have named them Chocolate and Chip. There were only a couple of times that I had to ask him if he wanted to see the horses. And for those of you wondering, yes I really would have skipped the trip by the horses if he had been bad. We started out with Luke's carrier in the child seat and Seth in the big basket part of the cart. Then Seth saw some balls and insisted on walking (so he could get closer to them). Unfortunately, the office supplies are an aisle over from the toys. I "needed" to look at a couple of office/scrapbooking supplies and Seth decided he "needed" to ride a bike. Interesting as he has never ridden a bike before. I can only guess he's noticed neighbor kids doing it, or maybe he's seen someone on TV. The bikes were on a little platform and chained up so he couldn't really get to them but he kept saying, "I ride." He did get carried for a few aisles at that point. Well, Luke eventually fell asleep so I put him in the basket, piled the few groceries I needed around him, and had Seth ride in the seat so he and I could actually chat our way through the store. Good fun! This picture is just to prove that everyone survived our outing.

Hope you all had a great week as well.


Lynette said...

You just have a way of writing to remind me that the everyday, ordinary things of life with kids (or building lives for eternity as my dad calls it) can be fun and exciting! I'm so happy for you that you can spend these precious ordinary days with your adorable little boys! I'm sure you told me the events of your weekend while we were at your house ... but forgive me if I only caught half of it then ... thanks for the online refresher I can read during the kiddos' naptime and the nice diversion from packing up boxes! : ) Hope you had a fun day at the museum! (This is probably technically a longer comment than socially acceptable to leave on blogs, isn't it! Oh well, I do ramble as you know! : ) Lynette

Cara said...

I do not believe there is a "socially acceptable" length for comments! :) And clearly you are quite an effective communicator or I would not still be communicating with you sooo many years later! And who knows what I told you about my weekend - Luke was in such a foul mood I felt like I never finished a thought!

Jill said...

So fun to read about your week. And your toes (which have to be about the cutest I've ever seen) on the internet is truly hard to believe!!!

Seth sounds like he keeps you laughing. What cute things he says!