Monday, April 14, 2008

Tacky tacky...

Today I braved the elements (meaning a 2 year old and an 8 week old) and took both to the pediatrician, at the same time, solo. Our appointments were at 10AM. Luke is a big fan of eating every 3 hours so, of course, he got up at 7AM and demanded food. Perfect timing to need to eat again right when we got to the doctor's office. Anticipating a wait at the office, I had a bottle ready. He was pretty good in the car but began to demand food in his loud, wailing way as we checked in. Never fails, they needed the same information on Seth (his marital status has not changed) that they always need. So, now I have Luke in an infant carrier, trying to feed him one handed with my left hand, and hoping not to be lectured about how I should really hold him to feed him so we can bond. A clipboard and pen in the other hand/on my lap. And finally, Seth hanging off my right arm while I try to write. The office is filled with toys but Seth refuses to leave my side (really doesn't bother me as I figure sick kids come and go all day, touching all over the toys).

Anyway, in the midst of all this fun a dad from the other side of the room waves at me. We worked together and had some law school classes together. Here begins the tacky portion of my story: He asks me where I'm working now. I kindly respond that I quit my job in January to stay home with my boys. He responds with, 'Oh, I guess that's okay.' Oddly, I don't recall asking for his permission, but thanks for giving it anyway. Did I mention that HE took his WIFE'S last name when he got married? I managed to suddenly be very busy talking to my boys and never quite got back to the conversation with him!

On a much more pitiful note, Poor Luke got all kinds of shots. Seth did not need any shots but was a bit jealous of Luke's "stickers" (band-aids). Thankfully, they have stickers for all the kiddos where you pay and make the next appointment. Seth was apparently confused - he asked for the choo choo, I gave him the choo choo but still ended up lying in the floor crying. Looking forward to those next appointments...


Jill said...

I really can't believe THAT man!! You painted a very vivid picture of the doc's office mayhem. I would have gone with you if I had been there!!! If you have to go again while we are home, you better call me :)

Cara said...

Well, we have a 4 month appointment in June, but only Luke has to go to that one! Schwoooo. But you can still go if you want. If there are more shots, you can just take him :)