Sunday, April 6, 2008

It's Cool...

Our Sethers decided to get into a fight with the oversized TV stand (both the TV and the stand are oversized). Well, Seth lost. Being the inexperienced parent that I am, I surmised that all skin was gone, hence nothing to sew up, hence apply pressure and wait for the bleeding to stop. Bleeding stopped, we cleaned the wound and applied a band-aid. Seth hasn't had many band-aid-worthy incidents in his nearly 2 years so we took him to the mirror, showed him the band-aid, and told him how cool he looked.

Well, my parents came over to watch the boys so we could go order new carpet. One look at the wound, and a not so discreet glance at each other, and my parents ended up watching one boy while the other went to the ER with mommy and daddy.

Three and a half hours later, he was "glued" back together - a pretty nifty little invention that takes the place of stitches. Only scary when the doctor kept asking the nurse (who was holding his little wound together) if her glove was okay. Yes, please move the glove away from the glue! All this to say, Seth now just walks around pointing at his head, declaring, "It's cool."

1 comment:

Jill said...

That IS cool!! And I'm so glad you have a blog! Yipee! Now I can see you guys AND get my dose of Cara humor.