Thursday, December 17, 2009

A few of my favorite things. Err, people.

I am going to digress (briefly, I promise) from my usual posts about the kiddos. For this post I want to tell you about some of my favorite people. These are my go-to girlfriends. The ones I've known forever. The ones who spent many of their oh-so-important high school functions (dances, etc.) at Olive Garden together (rather than the dance). The ones who stood in line for the Elvis stamp debut, even though we didn't really care so much about Elvis. The ones who fed bread to random ridiculous ceramic geese. Just harmless fun. Everyone started out at different colleges, although some ended up the same place eventually, but we all remained friends.

Well, we have an annual holiday gathering and we let the husbands join us. Fun side story - David's friend John who invited him to church, where we met, was already friends with one of the other husbands so Dave was actually hanging out with some of the guys without me introducing them. See how God was working all of this out - I believe David and I were supposed to meet somehow! Anyway, the guys are friends too so that makes it that much more fun.

This was our fourth (?) annual holiday gathering and this year Lynette had the BEST idea ever. Rather than bring the kids and come to my home, which is the norm, we should get sitters and go out! It was absolutely wonderful. I love getting all the kids together but at this point we are 10 adults and 10 kids, ranging from 20 months to 11 years, and, well, it's just a little loud and chaotic. So we went to Iozzo's - a new restaurant downtown - for dinner and acted like grown-ups. Well, mostly. Did I mention it was fabulous?

They are my sanity restorers, sounding boards, inspirations as moms, and just wonderful friends. Thank you all for hanging in and together for so long! Love you all!!

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