Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rain Showers...

My last post started out, "Not much new or exciting is happening..." Well, around here, when it rains it pours. Some of it comes down as a nice soothing shower. Then some of it comes as a torrential downpour.

For the showers: [And I apologize to any non-parents reading this post.] Seth peed in the potty. You see, we have a ritual. Every night before bath one of us asks him if he would like to pee in the potty. He says no. I assume I will have that one 5 yr old who goes to kindergarten in a diaper. I tried to force the issue once. Removed the diaper and suggested he sit down. I was met with screaming and crying and hysteria. Okey dokey then. But Sunday night Luke was already in the tub and Dave was showing his love to me by grocery shopping and I asked Seth the seemingly rhetorical question and he said, "yes." So, he won't do it any other time of the day but at night he will make an attempt. You have to start somewhere. Sorry, no potty pictures.

Another shower: We went for Luke's 9 month check-up on Monday and both boys got flu shots while we were there. Seth barely flinched. Not a tear. An absolute trooper. I was so proud. We even got to go see Daddy afterward at work.

And final shower: I got a new camera. NOT the super fancy suped up one I had been eyeing. But a very nice one indeed. I'm pretty happy with it so far. Okay, so far is 24 hours but you know me and the camera so it's already getting some use! Short version - the 'picture taking button' on my old camera had started sticking. We called to find out how long the warranty was good and it had expired the week before. Am I the only one these things happen to? Dave called the manufacturer and I could send my old one in for repair OR I could send my old one in (just for them to keep, not for repair) and for less than $50 more than the repair cost I could pick one of 3 much newer cameras. My camera was 4 years old so we decided to go ahead and upgrade.

So, that's the nice gentle rain showers. Stay tuned for the torrential downpours...

1 comment: said...

very cute post, Cara.

Maybe (and I'm sorry to any non-parents for this) Seth would pee for you if he could see himself in action. Each of my boys were quite pleased with the reward of seeing cause and effect, if you know what I mean.