Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Things of beauty...

Anyone who has ever lived with me, worked with me, or probably even ridden in my car will question the next statement: I LOVE organization. No, it's not a typo. It's not meant to say that I 'lack' organization. I truly do love it. It's just that often I spend too much time trying to figure out how to organize and then going about the organizing rather than the doing of whatever I was organizing. That is why I was going to save this post until I actually scrapbooked a page or two in my new area. However, it's still not happened and I'm not sure when it ever will. The story of how my lovely scrapbook corner came to be is (hopefully) an entertaining one.

Our house has 4 bedrooms - our room, the office, Seth's room and the bowling alley. I've always referred to it as the bowling alley because it is oddly shaped - long and narrow. So, the obvious decision was to make the bowling alley Luke's nursery. So, we picked out the bedding and painted the room. That is SUCH an oversimplification of the process, but it will suffice. His decor is puppies - browns, khakis, reds. The walls turned out mustard - not quite the match I was hoping for! Hence, they would need to be repainted. This is when David, and I know he will deny it, suggested we could swap the office for the nursery. I had a table in the corner of the old office and he had a desk in another corner of the old office. The bowling alley was much larger and would be better for the two of us to share. So, after much debating in my then pregnant and hormonal head, my family came over and we swapped it all out. The old office became Luke's room and the bowling alley became the new office. Then we painted Luke's (second) room.

All that to say, I got a bigger, better area to scrapbook and have been able to organize things better. There is still some paper and picture sorting to be done, but I am on my way! Check out the beautiful little labels and the shelves that coordinate with the desktop accessories. At least it's pretty to look in at when I'm walking by to take one of the boys to bathe them.


Lynette said...

Your new scrapbook area looks AWESOME and at least you know where everything will be waiting for you when you do get the chance to create a page! As a fellow perfectionist who CRAVES organization (and deals with the skeptics when I mention that fact) I know you are resting easier now that that area is under control! : )

gretchen said...

We are going to scare our family with our little organization projects....okay, mine was little, yours seems to be on a much larger scale!!

Jill said...

Very NICE!!