Wednesday, May 28, 2008

SandWater Table

Seth got a new toy from Grammy and Grampy for his birthday. For about 60 seconds the toy was a water / sand table - water on one side, sand on the other. Now it is just a sandwater (altogether) table. But that's the fun of it, right? It's a perfect toy as Seth loves! everything about the outdoors. Birdies! Doggies! Duckies! Bunnyrabbits! He cries when it's time to come inside. A nice change from last summer when he refused to leave the blanket in the yard and cried if his toes accidentally touched the grass.


Lynette said...

Seth looks like he is having sooo much fun at his sandwater table : ) !!!

Cara said...

If you don't mind filthy children, yours too can enjoy the table next time they are here.