Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Have you ever tried to ride a carousel standing up?

We went to the Children's Museum last week with Auntie Gretchen, Laney, Carson, Nancy, Ava and Grammy. Perhaps I've mentioned that Seth adores all things horses?!? Well, all the other brave kiddos rode the carousel. Someone had to stay with Luke anyway so Seth and Mommy watched everyone ride the first ride. Seth usually needs a moment of observation before he chooses to participate. We talked about how nice and soft the horses' tales looked while the others rode. I asked him if he wanted to ride and he said "Touch the tales." Good enough for me and we got in line. Seth and I got on the carousel and he touched the tales. I asked him which horse he'd like to ride. Suddenly my neck was being squeezed uncontrollably by a not-so-brave Seth. I again asked, do you want to ride a horse? His response? "No, I don't." Very plain and very serious. So, he and I stood the entire ride, between a couple of horses. Gretchen took the picture and so, apparently because he could see she was not moving in circles, he yelled "Auntie Gretchen" during the ride. Of course, now he likes to tell the story of the carousel debacle - complete with fake crying and yelling for Auntie Gretchen! I'm not sure how soon we'll try this again. Although even as I type this, he is standing beside me pointing at the picture and yelling horsies, horsies, and signing the sign for "more!"

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