Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Tissue Issue

Uugghh! We went for a nice, long walk last Thursday and no one has quite been the same since. Luke sneezed the rest of the afternoon and then by Thursday night Seth had started in as well. They were genetically blessed, on both sides of the family really, with a bit of a predisposition to allergies. Luke has come to hate the look and sound of the blue 'nose squeegee', as I like to call it. Seth, however, seems to think it's good fun to tell me about the boogers, either ask for a kleenex or ask me to wipe it, and then shred the kleenex when I turn my back for 2 seconds. I can deal with the kleenex shredding, but Luke's stuffy nose and coughing seem to be disrupting the beautiful pattern of sleeping at night which I had been enjoying immensely! Oh well, I suppose he can have allergy medicine in a few more years, right?

1 comment:

Lynette said...

hmmm...Lauryn and Nate are suffering from the same thing. I was in denial that it could be allergies (as Ron's family OD'd on allergy meds during their recent trip) and was hoping it was 'just a cold' (with no other symptoms, of course! : ) ) There's nothing quite as pathetic as an adorable little 3 month old boy sniffing through boogers he can't get rid of without blue-plunger extraction, is there?