Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Do you know that feeling, when you suddenly realize your 2 year old has been quiet for too long??

One morning recently I was trying to dry my hair and put on some makeup while Seth entertained himself. We have a basket of toys and books in our room for just such occasions. Seth also loves the treadmill, which doesn't really work anymore, as it is the perfect incline to send toy cars and trucks zooming down. So, Luke was taking an impromptu morning nap in my bed and I was taking advantage of a liitle time to get me ready to face the day. When suddenly it occurred to me that Seth had been quiet for quite awhile. It was then that I noticed Seth's clothes hamper was empty. I asked where all the clothes were from the hamper. "Stairs." Aaahhh, yes. Seth had quietly unloaded his hamper and tossed every last article of clothing over the gate at the top of the stairs!


Lynette said...

Perhaps he thought he was helping you with your heavy workload for the day .... nah - that wouldn't be as much fun!

Jill said...

Wow, your boy has quite an arm! How'd he get those all the way to the bottom step?? I see baseball in his future