Saturday, April 30, 2011


This is just one of those 'I want to remember it' posts...

*I noticed recently that, per Luke, my favorite color is now "purple." This makes me sad because only a few days ago, it was "puhpull" and, consequently, one of the cutest words ever. I would ask him multiple times a day what my favorite color was, just to hear him say it. Now, it's just another word. However, I think he's hit and miss because they are still "mushamallows." For today anyway.

*Max loves to say "da da da." He has said "ma ma ma" a few times but not with any regularity. Seems his new favorite game is to get me to pick him up (not much work involved there), then he says, "da da da." At which time I smile and say, "ma ma ma." At which time Max looks at me and laughs and says, "da da da." Nice, Max.

*We were watching a Nascar race a few weeks ago. Okay, Seth was watching and I was laughing that the announcers don't even sound like they are speaking a language that I know. Seth informed me girls can't be drivers. Dave jumped in and told him that not only could they, but there was one driving in this particular race. Seth's response? "That's ridiculous. Girls are supposed to scrapbook or something." Guess I need to take up a more dangerous hobby to introduce him to the world of well-roundedness.

*Seth has also learned the word "painful" and likes to use it. Me: Seth, could you [insert any mindless and trivial task]? Seth: This is painful.

*I asked Seth to please put his shoes in the cubby and pick his jacket up off of the floor. Seth's response? "My life would be so much easier if I didn't have to do so much work around here.

*And finally - this one is my favorite - Luke has a new word. It's "whobody." Whobody said that? Whobody was that? Whobody's coming over? LOVE three year old made-up-words!

1 comment:

Jill said...

whobody...the best!!