Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Things which I do not enjoy...

Sick kids. Since mid-January someone has been sick in this house, nearly nonstop. Not the same someone, just everyone at different times. Ugh.

Coughing babies. I absolute cannot stand to hear Max coughing in that crib all alone. I leave him there because he's a great sleeper and I don't want to ruin that. But I have been known to sneak in after he calms down and, if he should maybe sorta almost notice me, I flee the scene like an elf on Christmas Eve!

Participating in a conversation about how my newly 3 year old sat with his older brother and older cousin on his first Sunday in the big kids' class and wasn't very well-behaved. Having to have my sister hear parts of the same conversation [There was a bad little kid who tried to sit with your son...].

Middle of the night ER visits with a screaming child whose ears hurt so badly that he can't stop screaming. Or an earache that doesn't begin until 10pm, after said child has been deposited back into his bed repeatedly.

A new computer system at the hospital with the ER that has every member of the hospital's staff angry and confused and unable to locate the information they've just gathered. THEN hearing them call for a computer support tech (at 2:30 in the morning) to figure out why the computer won't work to spit out both prescriptions, only to find out that the printer was out of paper.

Finally (!) leaving the ER to drive to the pharmacy at 3:30am and being told that they are backing up their computers and it will be at least a half hour before they can fill the prescription.

Picking up a very fussy baby in the nursery at church and asking, "was he upset the whole time?", only to have them respond, "No, he just had to be held." HAD to be held? Correction, you had the privilege of holding my baby. Okay, I suppose when the nursery is full that's unreasonable.

Hearing the words, "I do it myself" when I'm really in a hurry.

The sound of the drive thru employee screaming as I hit the gas rather than the brake, nearly taking her arm with me and spilling an entire large drink all over the drive thru lane.

Having your 4 year old tell you, "You make every day worse." And thinking he might be onto something.

Running on a treadmill in the middle of the shoe store to buy new running shoes. Yes, that's right, running shoes. In which I plan to actually run.

The grocery store. Ever. Solo. With my entourage. In the middle of the day. Late at night. I do not enjoy the grocery store. Period. In fact, I am protesting it at the moment and only cooking things that I have in my pantry or freezer. Unfortunately, we're going to run out of milk and this little experiment will have to come to and end. Because milk, that I do enjoy!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Sorry, Cara, about your sickies.

How's the running going?