Saturday, June 12, 2010

things I thought would be important...

I spent SO much time getting ready, or at least trying to get ready, for the arrival of wonderful new baby. But it is SO funny to look back at what I thought would be so very important, that turned out not to matter at all!

For one, matchy matchy big brother/little brother t-shirts. I know, Luke's should say "middle brother" but he's now a big brother (and they didn't sell a matching "middle brother") so the two older boys both have older brother shirts. I went on an extensive waddling tour of the southside of town to find these shirts. Max is 3 weeks old today. No one has worn their shirts yet. I thought I would want to do this at the hospital. Then I realized I would have to dress Max in the shirt and preserve it until the pictures were taken (he really enjoys spitting up) and that I wasn't really mobile enough to jump up and snap pictures anyway. Now it needs to happen before Max outgrows his shirt!

Another, my perfectly stocked ipod. I spent a lot of time picking music (not just for the hospital), even downloading some stuff for the boys and a game for me. Not sure if I forgot I was having a c-section and wouldn't be hanging out in labor for 12 hours or what! Or maybe I forgot that afterward I would have a new baby to feed and love on, rather than playing a game on my ipod. The ONLY thing we used it for - to look at the pictures of the other two little guys and decide who Max looks more like. Oh, and I would say that people who looked at the pictures and looked at Max were split pretty evenly. So, I guess it wasn't even useful for that!

Third, pacifiers. I picked out, purchased, and sterilized some adorable pacifiers. It's a new brand. Comparably priced to the brand we used with the other two boys so I justified that, while they were pretty cute, it wasn't really a splurge. Until, of course, I sterilized the first package and realized they didn't have handles on them. Then I freaked out as I figured I would be alone in the hospital with the baby and knock the paci on the floor and not be able to get up yet and have to call a nurse to get a paci off the floor and rinse it off, etc. SO, then I had to go and buy a second package of this brand of pacifiers but with handles. (I'd already sterilized the first, I couldn't take them back!). Umm, yeah, Max detests them.

And finally, preparing like I was going to be at the hospital for days on end. It seriously turned into a little weekend. I had Seth on a Saturday night and I think I went home Wednesday(?). So, I just thought we would go in Sunday morning and come Wednesday or early Thursday. Instead, we went in Friday evening and came home around noon on Monday. I am NOT complaining but it was like Max's doctor and my doctor came in Monday morning and threw us out and immediately the room was abuzz with discharge nurses and baby photographers, etc. I never even got to eat my breakfast - and the nurse was withholding my pain meds until I had something in my stomach!

Anyway, it just goes to show that nothing is really all that important except meeting and loving on that baby! Everything else just sorta takes care of itself!

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