Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Answered prayer

A while ago I shared some prayer requests. And as my sister pointed out, they were all answered in ways that (this should not be surprising) were better than I had imagined! So, I wanted to thank any of you who joined me in praying for the birth of our new little guy, and let you know how awesome His answers were:

First was for Grammy, Grampy, Seth & Luke: Well, G&G got called in a little earlier than expected and probbaly had to wing it a little more than expected, but I think my parents survived the experience. And I think the boys had a great time! As far as the boys coming to the hospital - because I wasn't sick the boys were able to come up around lunchtime Saturday and meet their new little brother. And, oh were they excited!

Next was for David: He was awesome! He had worked hard all day Friday getting things at work in order so he could take off after the baby came and I'm sure he was looking forward to relaxing Friday night and Saturday. Of course, adrenaline kicked in somewhere around the time we started throwing things in a bag to head to the hospital Friday night. But he was great. Never seemed queasy, at least not that I knew of, and he just patted my shoulder during the beginning of surgery and until Max was here. Then he took pictures of him (I couldn't see into the bassinet/warmer) and showed them to me while we were still in the OR. He slept in my hospital room for 3 nights. Not comfy, I'm sure, but it was really nice to have him there.

Baby Max: He is wonderful! I am so very thankful that he arrived healthy. I don't take this for granted.

Hospital staff: Let's just say that I LOVE the anesthesiologist! I know it is not coincidence that he listened to me and to my past experiences and came up with a plan based on that. And it worked. REALLY worked. Remember, with Seth I threw up more than 12 hours and with Luke at least 7 hours after the c-sect. With Max, I gagged one time. And that was Saturday morning after I tried to eat oatmeal (the only thing on the "liquid diet" that seemed like breakfast; I detest oatmeal and should've just gone with chocolate pudding, nevermind that it was 8AM!). Not only was the anesthesiologist great, but my next favorite doctor after my own doctor was on call that night. My doctor was the one to see me in the hospital both Saturday morning and Sunday morning. And finally, a friend of mine is a nurse and she was there when I got there Friday night and was there part of Sunday too.

And finally, as for me: I've already mentioned that I did not get sick. It was wonderful! Plus, I love that Max's birthday wasn't actually chosen by a doctor, but by Max. In addition to that, I didn't have to spend Saturday anticipating the c-section on Sunday.

So, all that to say, God is so good!

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