Thursday, March 19, 2009

Get out!

We have been taking advantage of the nice weather. Anyone who knows me knows I'm an indoor kind of girl. But I'm willing to sacrifice for my boys. Monday, we went out after naps. The boys are genetically wired (via Daddy) to crave the outdoors. The boys are genetically wired (via both of us) to immediately get runny noses, sneeze, cough, etc. upon entering the outdoors. Luke did not disappoint. But he had a great time and didn't seem to care at all that I kept chasing him around with a kleenex.

Seth's favorite outdoor toy - I got to referree more than one bubble mower fight on day one of the great outdoors, 2009
At 13 months, Seth sat on a blanket and cried if you made his feet touch the grass. Luke would have NONE of that!

Seth finally got the hang of blowing bubbles himself. He was so excited!

Then on Tuesday we went to the zoo! I had a throat thing going on and the doctor couldn't see me until after 3:00 and I've discovered that sometimes it's just easier to be sick somewhere else. Luke was confined to his stroller and Seth was in his element so no fighting, no whining, no chasing, and no messy house to pick up during nap time. Yeah for everyone!

Seth "shhh'd" me at the polar bear exhibit, as the bear was clearly trying to sleep. So, why does my "shhh'ing" not work when Seth wants to scream outside of sleeping Luke's bedroom?

The sheep was terribly exciting!

Seth wanted to know if we could "pat" the red panda. Not so much honey.

The new brown bears were quite entertaining. They were playing in the water and wrestling around with each other.

Seth was pretty sure they were giving 'nose kisses' at one point.

Need. To. Sleep.


Marilyn said...

Love it!!! ;) :) :) The boys are growing-up so fast. Amazing what happens in a matter of a few months.

Jill said...

Hi Cara! The zoo pictures are lovely! You are a good mom for sacrificing your love of the indoors for your guys. What's next? Camping?? I will NOT be surprised to see you post about it one day. I'm just predicting here :) xx Jill