Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hot dog!

Okay, I was trying to come up with something cutesy as it related to 'catch up,' as in catching up on some long overdue posts. But my mind just kept wandering to ketchup and mustard and relish. Which, of course, led me to the hot dog. I think I must have Memorial Day cookouts on my mind. Although, I've been informed that we will be taking on a major landscaping project around the back deck over the long weekend so I'm not sure I will be permitted a full fledged cookout. From the looks of the forecast we may have to invest in some plastic handled yard tools to avoid being zapped by lightning. But, isn't the ground easier to dig in when it's wet anyway?

Well, that was a long and boring intro into what will likely prove to be a long and boring post. But, we did have three fun-to-us activities in the last week or two (excluding Max's birthday as that gets its own post), so here goes:

First, I took the two oldest boys downtown for the 500 festival kids' party last weekend. It was a rainy and dreary day so we decided that Max would stay home. Since he's a tad bit young to do this solo, Dave stayed home too. Other than the nearly half hour it took us to park in the parking garage, it was a good time.
The boys got to see a race car.And make pirate hats. There's a pirate cartoon that they love so this was good fun!And if you know my boys, you know that their entire world revolves around fire trucks at this point. If we leave the house they often want to know how many fire stations we will be driving by. And if you can "spot" a fire truck just out on the road, it's huge. So, standing on one with the help of a real fireman was quite the adventure! Everytime we came to a booth/display/exhibit, I would ask them, "Do you want to do this?" Without fail, Luke would nod 'yes' and Seth would shake his head 'no.' Thankfully, seeing your little brother having all the fun seems to coax an older brother into having some fun too.After all this fun, we surely needed refreshment.And this is what I brought home with me - one very sleepy pirate who fell asleep in the car and stayed that way, even after being carried inside and placed on the couch. I'm counting the day as a success if it knocked him flat!

***Next was Seth's end of year picnic for preschool. The weather was PERFECT! Rain was forecasted but it held off. Seth had a great time running and playing and eating lunch outside with his classmates. I was very fortunate this year to be able to go on nearly every field trip and attend every party. It's really important to me to be involved at his school.

We finished at the park, after an unfortunate skinned knee(s) incident, and headed home to show Dad and Luke all the bandaids. Then we decided to take Max out and see what he thought of the swing in our backyard. He is the first of my boys to enjoy the swing! Seth and Luke only just this year decided it was fun. [Thankfully, because Dave spent WAY too much time building the swingset for neither of them to enjoy it.]

***Our next big event was Seth's preschool graduation. We were invited to a party to see how much he had learned - counting to 100, writing his name, letter sounds, and some basic sounding out of words, etc. While that was fun to see, it was much more amazing to me how much he has changed physically since school started. His teacher took a picture of each student at a little 'meet the teacher' day before school started and it was shocking to me to see that the little timid four year old I had sent off to preschool (with much trepidation myself) had finished his year as a sweet and VERY social five year old who loved, quite possibly, every minute of school. When he started school, I'm not sure I was committed to going back to the same place next year but his experience was so awesome that it didn't take me long to commit. He has grown, physically, mentally, and spiritually, and I couldn't be happier!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Loved it, Cara, the intro and all!!!