Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Sunday morning Luke got up at 5:30. I will admit to being a bad parent who toted him down the stairs, to the couch, covered us both up with a blanket, turned on a kids' television channel and I nodded off for the next couple of hours. Only later did I discover the beautiful hives (on me, not him), but that's another post. Monday morning. First day of spring break. Seth and Luke got up at 6:15. Why both of them? Because if Seth gets up first he grabs his puppy, wakes Luke, and heads for our room. If Luke gets up first he grabs his favorite things from his bed (currently Koko the train, Pretty Lightning, Rescue the dog, and his moon remote - don't ask as the moon remote is completely useless separated from the moon, but he brings it along anyway), heads to my side of the bed, waits for me to pull back the covers, climbs in with all of his stuff, and cuddles with me. For approximately 3.2 seconds before he then starts chatting, elbowing, poking out my eyes, and pulling at my hair. Tuesday morning. [Well, let's begin with Monday night when Luke was SO exhausted that he couldn't sleep. That's Luke's gig. He refused to nap Monday, even after getting up early and then having a playdate. So, by Monday night he was a crying mess. But he still got up, screaming (and coughing) a couple of times during the night.] So, 6:15 he brings all his stuff and climbs into my bed. To let me know he would like for me to go to the store and buy some smoothies. Just like the ones we had last year. Pronounced 'lah-ast yay-err', as though he will momentarily be saddling up his horse and riding off to milk the cows. After a discussion of not going to the store at this early hour just for smoothies, he crawled over me to the middle of the bed so he could cuddle Daddy too. Perhaps he thought he could persuade David to head to the store? If so, he doesn't know his daddy so well! Then he started coughing. A lot. So, I said to him, "You sound awful." He sat up in the bed, tilted his head, leaned into me and said, "I'm a waffle?"

If you're wondering, this post has no meaning and is going nowhere, but instead was written with the express intent of re-reading when they are 14 and 16 and want to sleep until noon and I am trying to drag them out of their beds.

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