Friday, March 25, 2011

10 month old Max...

It's hard to believe Max is 10 months old! I'm starting to obsess think about his first birthday bash as a way to distract myself from being a little sad that he's almost one. I'm thinking about skipping all the character/animal themed party supplies and just choosing a couple of colors and carrying out more of a color based theme with lots of '1's' and 'M's' everywhere. We'll see how this shapes up.

Anyway, Max has grown up so much this month. He's really taken off with the crawling. Just the other night he was up on his hands and knees, very still. He looked all around and just took off, like his plan was to see how fast he could go. It was so funny to see him look like he was planning it all out!

He has two teeth now and loves to feed himself anything that he can pinch between his finger and thumb (puffs, tiny pieces of food, dirt, lint). He's also pulling up on anything he can find. And he's into everything - especially his brothers' favorite toys. Already he's fulfilling the "littlest brother into everything" role. He really loves attention from his brothers - he smiles and laughs and reaches for them. He's a pretty good shopper, at least for a little while - hanging out in the front of the grocery cart now.
He finally said, "mamamamam." He waves a lot and says "hi" and "bye." I think he says "hi" everytime he sees the phone. I say "gentle" to him a lot and rub his face, trying to get him to be more gentle with all of us and I truly believe there's a word he says back to me that sounds A LOT like gentle - obviously, he's not saying gentle but he is mimicking the word in his own way.
He is definitely the easiest baby of my three! I think knowing how fast it all goes is really hitting home for me and I'm trying to just really take him. Happy 10 months, Max!

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