Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween and Helmet Head

We started out Halloween night taking pictures, of course, at our house. What's the point in dressing up a 5 month old if not to take pictures? I mean, he can't eat the candy or trick-or-treat so it was all about the photo opp.

Next we headed to Grammy and Grampy's for a little visit and some specially prepared treat bags, complete with all kinds of candy that was safe for Luke, some little stuffed bats and pumpkins and some stickers. On the way home Seth said, "I have a gooooood feeling. I think there's a sucker in here!" So funny!
Then we came home to trick or treat in our neighborhood. Seth lasted about 4 houses, at which time he declared he had enough candy and would like to go home. That was shortly after he decided that I should have put a coat on him because he was cold. And Luke was way more interested in whether there might be ducks in the pond that we walked by than in trick or treating.
Cutest moment: Seth refused to go up to a house but Luke went away. The sweet lady gave Luke two pieces of candy. Luke didn't put them in his pumpkin basket. Instead he walked straight down the driveway to Seth, handed him a piece of the candy, and said, "here ya go." Sweetest little guy ever!
Second cutest moment: My mom put together trick or treat bags, paying special attention to only include candy/cookies that were safe for Luke. I pulled it out Monday night and told them they could each pick one thing out of their bag. I told them how neat it was that Grammy made sure it was all safe for Luke. Seth's response, "Umm, that's because she loves us." Yes, yes it is!
There's really no great transition here, but perhaps it was all in the spirit of dressing up. Seth and Luke spent Saturday morning helping David clean out the garage. Luke attached himself to this bike helmet. He asked that I call him "Helmet." He wore it to eat lunch and even said, "Please say, 'Eat up, Helmet.'" That was funny. But, seriously, the look on Max's face was priceless.
Here's a little zoom in of the look he was giving to Luke and the helmet. I can only imagine that he was thinking, "that kid's different but this tops 'em all!" Eventually Luke had to rock out in the helmet. And not much else. This was just after dinner, where he got food all over his clothes and, thus, isn't wearing them anymore. Apparently his feet were cold (?). And this kid can turn nearly anything into a guitar. And he means business when he plays it!

And finally, Sunday morning Luke, Max, and I stayed home from church. I laid in bed most of the night listening to Luke cough most of the night. He coughed until he threw up a couple of times. I thought that warranted staying home. [I digress, but I believe it to be allergies - nothing congatious. I would not have even considered taking him to church if I thought he would contaminate others! But I thought at least he and I were too tired and pitiful to go.] Anyway, the point of the story - Luke came to me, wearing the helmet, and informed me, "We are staying home from church and I do not have to take the helmet off!" Well, alright then!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Ha HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! This is the funniest post I've read in a long time!