Sunday, November 21, 2010

Countdown to Thanksgiving

#5 - Max! Today, Max is 6 months old. I won't go on and on about how time flies. Because, frankly, I want to cry each and every time I think about how fast this half of a year has gone.

So, what's Max up to these days? Eating! Max seems to really enjoy most of the food he has tried. He started with rice cereal, then green beans, later peas, some butternut squash, a little applesauce, and most recently sweet potatoes. The only one he doesn't seem to love is squash. We've been making the veggies ourselves (well, not growing them, but cooking them and blending them up and freezing them) so I'm excited to see what fun combos he might enjoy after he's tried everything individually. Max loves his thumb. It really is cute. But, I know that when he's four and still doing it, it won't be nearly as sweet. However, at 6 months old, when he puts his head on my shoulder and grabs my sweater collar and sucks his thumb, I melt. He loves to have something in his hand while he sucks his thumb - burp cloth, blanket, my shirt collar, etc. But we don't put him in bed with anything at all, so today he reached an all new level of pitiful. I went to get him up from his nap and he had managed to wad up enough of his sheet to get it into his hand while sucking his thumb.

He doesn't quite sit up on his own, but rather folds in half if we try. He does roll front to back and back to front, and has started to push himself up on his arms a little. None of my boys have enjoyed 'tummy time' so I think they're a little slow to do much once they get to their bell(ies), other than scream.

And his brothers still adore him. I think they might be asking to hold him more now than before. And Max gets so excited to see both of them too. He's a hair grabber though so we have to remind the older boys that this will happen if they get their hair too close to his little hands.

He's a perfect addition to our family, and we are all so very thankful for him.
Oooh, a tag to chew!

1 comment:

Jill said...

I love that you said he's the perfect addition to your family!!