Commit: to carry into action deliberately; to obligate or pledge oneself. [paraphrased, taken from Miriam-Webster's online dictionary].
Let's ignore that two of the other definitions involve crimes and mental institutions and just run with it, shall we?
I love the idea of having one word that defines and shapes your year.
Here is the best explanation that I've found for this concept. [Disclaimer: I've not read anything else on this website yet, just the one page to which I linked.]
So, to what do I want to commit? A lot. Some being more important than others. First, I want to commit to being here for my kids. I'm here physically, for sure. But I feel like we waste a lot of time when we're together. And maybe that's it - maybe I just need to realize that I am here and that, hopefully, that's what they will remember and that that's okay. But, I feel like I spend a lot of my day looking forward to naptime or to when Dave comes home. I think I got really off track when I was pregnant with Max and just never got things back to where I want them to be. I know there are ways to be more efficient with my time so I can get things done and still spend time with them doing fun mommy things. I just need to regroup and figure all that out.
Along those same lines I feel like I spend a lot of time thinking, "I'll do that in just a little while." But really, I just need to do it! Commit. If it needs to get done, do it now if it's at all feasible.
I am committed to doing my picture a day album for 2011. It's going really well so far. I want to try to take some pictures of the finished pages and share those. But I am committed to seeing it through. The Christmas album is only partly done and I don't want that to be the case with this one! It's easy and fun and I plan to keep it up. I'm committed.
I also want to commit to a very specific exercise goal. Me and two of my favorite people have been trying go to the gym 2 nights a week and walk/jog on the treadmill. The holidays, and then the weather, have deterred us to be sure, but those were temporary setbacks and we're back at it. I'm looking forward to the weather improving too so we can get outside. We started this in October (?) and it's been a rough winter (in terms of weather) but I'm ready to get out there and see if it's not a bit easier when there is a whole world of outdoors to explore! Plus, I'm hoping it happens much more often if I don't have to drive to the gym at 8 or 9pm. Scratch that, I'm committing to it happening more often when I can be outside.
Anyway, my exercise goal is to do
this. I've wanted to do the 500 mini marathon for a long time but it always fills up or, for the last 5 years I've either been pregnant or pregnant too recently to really train. But not this year! I would love to lose some weight, but more importantly I would love to get healthy. I am worried about some hip pain. I think I have a bit of arthritis maybe(?) and my hip hurts pretty much all of the time. That or I've injured myself (you know, what with my gazelle-like form on the treadmill and all). Anyway, once I'm done breastfeeding Max I'll head to the doctor and see if there are some meds, etc. that would help with this. I just find that I'm in pain a lot of the time, and not the good "wow, that was some good exercise and I can feel it pain" but more the "it hurts to roll over on my hip even in my sleep and I'm not resting well" kind of pain. But it hurts whether I exercise or not so it seems silly not to go ahead and exercise.
And finally, I need to commit to a church and do something. Anything. I'll leave that one at that.
So, there you have it. My word - commit! My goal - not to end up being committed (re: the mental institution definition), but rather to 'deliberately carry' the above into action!