On Saturday the 3rd we went to some local fireworks. They were fabulous! We left Max with Grammy and Grampy - a combination of bugs, loud fireworks, and hot seemed like a good excuse for extra G&G cuddle time. The older boys did better than I expected. Last year Seth hated fireworks. But he really seemed to enjoy them this year. Luke, however, waivered between, "those are bee-ay-you-tee-ful" and curling up on one of our laps and burying his head/ears in our arms. Here he was happy:
By the time the fireworks ended and we walked back to the car and waited in traffic, we decided I would drop Dave, Seth and Luke off at home and then go get Max. It was after 11 when I finally got him and the boys got their baths and got to bed. Seth was apparently tired. He asked on the way home, "Are we dirty?" Meaning did he have to have a bath. I told him it was church the next morning so he had to have a bath, and besides, he smelled like bug spray. His response, "Well, what if there are bugs at church?" Clever little guy! By the time he was done at church, showing me exactly what he looks like when he's very very tired, I was wishing bugs at church were the worst of my woes. A 4 year old laying on the floor whining is just unnecessary. Aarrgghh!!
Anyway, on to more festivities. We had 3 families over Sunday night for food, fun, and fireworks. Oh, and my parents came by for dessert - they had previously declined our invitation but knowing what a great baker I am they couldn't stay away (ha ha ha!). Actually, I think they knew I wouldn't want Max outside getting bug bit so they came and cuddled him some more.
I'll spare you the details but I think Dave might have had a mid-life crisis at the fireworks store. Actually, I don't know which of these Dave bought and which our guests contributed. I prefer to be ignorant on occasion.But they were very nice fireworks. Sorry, no photos of the ones that actually shot up into the air as I preferred to stay covered, in the garage.
Four excited little kiddos, anxiously awaiting the show. Luke and Seth are in the middle of the four. And one, not quite as excited, enjoying his view from a little further away. Next to me.
Looking back, I'm pretty sure the appropriate response here would've been to rip the sparkler out of his hand and declare that he was done outside. However, I grabbed the camera instead.
Happy (?) first Fourth of July, Max. Looks like someone has had enough fireworks for this year!
And finally, one shot from mid-morning on the 5th of July. This is what two very late nights for a very sweet 2 year old look like on the third day. Middle of the family room floor, restfully watching a movie. With our eyes closed. And a plastic spoon from the night before in our hands.
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