Friday, January 8, 2010

Blog post 100, aka "The Announcement." And some answers to some questions...

So, post #100! Okay, I started this post a few weeks ago but then the holidays happened and it just didn't get posted. So, let's do it now!

Yes, this is my 100th post. I worked hard to time this out just right. : ) So, I seem to recall hearing on lots of decorating shows that odd numbers are more aesthetically pleasing. As such, we needed another baby to balance out the family photos. Okay, maybe we didn't do it for the pictures, but we are having another baby!!

Answers to your questions: First, people keep asking if we planned this. I have decided that must mean no one in their right minds does this? So, for you inquiring minds, yes, we planned this. Talked amongst ourselves, prayed a lot, talked some more, and did this on purpose! Although I know of at least three people, with whom I am very close who did not plan at least one of their children and they seem to adore them just the same!

Second, due date. I am due May 30th. I am planning another planned c-section so will likely deliver the week before that. Not that 18 hours of labor and then a c-section wasn't fun the first time, woo hoo, but let's just cut to the chase when it's time (pun intended). Anyway, this weekend I am 20 weeks pregnant - halfway there!

Third, we do know what we are having. For now, I will just tell you it is a healthy looking baby, via ultrasound anyway. A baby who had its hand up by its head, its feet crossed at its ankles and did a full somersault, just to annoy the ultrasound tech I think.

Fourth, yes I feel just as crummy this time as the last two times. Three has been "my number," I think since Seth was born. And every time I get sick I feel that number being confirmed! I am very much looking forward to the baby at the end of the pregnancy but pregnancy and I just don't get along very well. Nevermind that I'm not getting any younger. I thought it would be so much easier being at home and being pregnant, but instead I feel like I have more time to think about feeling sick and be tired of feeling sick and then feeling sad that I'm feeling sick. I'm just ready to feel good. This is the second trimester and supposed to be the "honeymoon phase" so to speak, where you're not puking and you're not huge. Well, I'm still puking, although much less often. And if I really think hard, I realize that I have come along way and I do feel so much better, but still nauseated more than not!

So, that's our story. We're very excited. Seth sort of gets it. Although he keeps asking if he can have a puppy when we're done with the baby. I keep reminding him it's like when Luke came - the new baby will also stay forever. As for Luke, he hasn't a clue what's in store for him. Poor little guy.


Jill said...

I'm sorry I never asked how you were feeling, Cara. It stinks for you to be sick through the whole pregnancy. It makes your decision to have another baby all the more precious (note that I never asked if this was planned). Wish I could pop over and take the boys for the day (or 5).

I love your intended pun! :)

Teresa Clark said...

Who could ask that question?! And what does it matter, as long as it's in God's plan!

I can't believe you're keeping the baby's gender a secret. I could never do that. That's why Avery's gender was a secret from everyone, including us! :o)

Cara said...

Oh, Jill - no biggie. It is definitely improving and at least I know it's all worth the baby in the end! And unless God has another plan, it's the last time I will feel this way.

And Teresa - I'm really not that good. I lasted about 48 hours with not telling our families. I just need to scan the last u/s photo and then I can post that blog post. Stay tuned...