Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving, really?

I cannot believe Thanksgiving is already here. In honor of this week I am going to try and post each day something that I (or my boys) are thankful for. We have celebrated Thanksgiving at our home for the last few years. That means a lot of cleaning. And with my messy little boys, it also means a lot of frustration! Add a food allergy to a day that is traditionally a pitch-in and it's nearly a freak out festival for me. BUT I am vowing to stay positive and thankful this week. That's not to say I won't have my moments. But I'm putting it out there for all the world to read that I am going to try really really hard to be good!

So, today I am thankful for two sweet little boys and the fact that I get to spend my days with them. Oh, they are not without their issues (nor am I), but we'll save that for another post! But today, I am especially thankful for Lukey, who brought me his blanket and asked me to cuddle with him this morning. How can you not be thankful for that, even if it only lasted 2 minutes!

1 comment:

Gwen Ernst said...

Your boys are so adorable! What a blessing and great thing to be thankful for! I just got done reading the things you "overheard" Seth say...LOVE it!