Friday, July 1, 2011

Slow down, Max!

It occurred to me that I kinda left you all(?) hanging re: Max and the bottles, nursing, sippy, cup, etc.  Hope no one lost too much sleep over this!  Sweet Max has made great progress.  The seventh sippy cup we tried really seemed to appeal to him.  I heard from/knew of/was told about 2 moms whose kiddos really liked a certain cup so Max and I made a special trip to the store to find it and he loved on that sippy cup all the way to the register.

I did stop nursing him.  I knew it was time for me, but I also know Max is our last baby so that made it really difficult!  Dave and I chatted about it and I stood in the kitchen crying while Dave took Max up to bed.  I didn't want to start a bottle at bedtime that I would just feel like needed to be stopped in a few weeks so he just went to bed.  And that sweet little boy never made a peep.  My parents were at our house watching the boys the second night and we came home early because I didn't want my mom to have to put a crying angry baby in bed, but when we got home he was already in bed, without incident.  And he's been that way ever since.  He tends to sleep later in the mornings and then get a later start on naps and then nap later so many nights he stays up a half hour or so later than the older boys.  It's still a nice little bit of one on one time with him.  Then he loves to wave good night to Daddy and blow kisses and say "nigh'nigh'" as I take him up to bed. 

He's loving eat more finger foods too.  Right now, he eats nearly anything we give him.  Of course, I know he'll eventually notice his super picky big brothers and start turning up his cute little nose too, but I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts!  He loves chicken - grilled, breaded, anything we toss on his tray!  He gobbles green beans.  [And doesn't even attempt to pick the little beans out like Luke.  Yet.]  Cubed up cheese is another favorite.  And he cries when the baby yogurt cup is empty!

Eating the bowl isn't going to work, silly boy!

A mouthful of Cheerios

Drinking like a big boy.

1 comment:

Jill said...

sweet, sweet, sweet!! can't wait to see him in person!